BR-501 - Bilirubinometers


DESCRIPTION OF BR-501 - Bilirubinometers


Auto-zero function

Easy to operate thanks to advanced electronic circuits like our proprietary auto-zero system.

Easy setting of the sample tube

A sample gauge provided on the surface of BR-501, which indicates the proper sample volume to be inspected. Only simple action is required to set the capillary tube into the holder.

Handles hemolysis and turbidity easily.

Careful selection of the dual wavelength color filters and the combination of electronic technology minimize the interference of hemolysis and turbidity.

Particularly suitable for jaundice examinations of neonates.

Flexible power source

Power requirement is flexible from 100 to 240 VAC.

Alarm lamp informs user of abnormalities

Alarm lamp signals hemolysis of 300mg/dl or more.

Easy lamp replacement

Exchange procedure of the lamp is simplicity itself.

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SPECIFICATION OF BR-501 - Bilirubinometers

Options: bench-top
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In, we can provide you with the information about the BR-501 and other products in our catalogue. If you have questions concerning where to buy the BR-501 or how much does BR-501 cost, please, contact us through our online customer support. We will be happy to connect you with the suppliers and manufacturers that offer leading medical equipment at competitive price.
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