Bilirubinometers is a medical equipment directory presenting devices and instruments from acclaimed suppliers and companies from all over the world. Manufacturers in our medical database produce medical equipment for hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities, such as rehabilitation centers or medical laboratories.

In this category, you can find such primary care pediatric devices as bilirubinometers.

Bilirubinometer is a medical device to measure bilirubin amount in human’s blood. Mainly bilirubinometers are used in the dynamic clinical examinations of neonatal jaundice and they are easy-to-use of their small size. Bilirubinometers are comfortable to use and do not cause any discomfort for the patient by pricking the skin. Non-invasive method instantly allows examining the transcutaneous concentration of bilirubin in the newborns by transmitting light at different wavelengths through the outer ear/on the neonatal skin.

Bilirubinometers have such features as:

• LCD display for the easiest observation
• Memory/storage, browse/delete functions
• Battery indicator with the information about battery level
• Portable: comfortable to hold, lightweight
• Self calibration
• Provides test results quickly  and accurately
• Easy to use - the system is understandable

How to use bilirubinometer?

Bilirubinometers are easy to operate and there is no need of special knowledge for that. There are few simple guidelines: first, a user has to press the button to start the measurement process, locate the device clip to the baby’s ear and then the results will appear on the device screen.

There are some visible signs when a bilirubinometer should be used. Usually when newborns have the yellow skin of the face going down onto the chest, or the white part of the eye is also a bit yellow. If a newborn’s bilirubin amount in the blood is high, neonatal jaundice can make the newborn sleepy interfered with feeding and when the amount of bilirubin is extremely high, it can cause even permanent brain damage.

We are ready to help you with all the necessary information regarding the equipment from this catalog, or to connect you with the suppliers. The manufacturers can offer you first-class bilirubinometers and other medical devices that are an essential part of hospital equipment.

In this section, bilirubinometers are presented with informative descriptions and detailed specifications for the each product.

Please, feel free to contact us in order to get any further information about the products, prices or to reach the vendors. You can find our email, phone number or Skype contact information in the ''Contacts“ page.

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