Compumedics Neuroscan

Compumedics Neuroscan

Compumedics Neuroscan is dedi­cated to expand­ing knowl­edge and under­stand­ing of the human brain and nervous system through advanced technology.

Compumedics Neuroscan is a world-leading devel­oper of research soft­ware for neuro­phys­i­ol­ogy, neuroimag­ing, and neuro­di­ag­nos­tic systems. Neuroscan provides tools to increase under­stand­ing and improve treat­ment of this most complex and least under­stood system of the human body; the brain.

Neuroscan, founded in 1985, is the world’s lead­ing provider of tech­nolo­gies for high-density EEG record­ings, electro-magnetic source local­iza­tion, multi-modal neuroimag­ing and enhance­ments to func­tional MRI. Neuroscan’s prod­ucts are in use at over 1500 univer­si­ties, corpo­rate labo­ra­to­ries and national research insti­tutes in approx­i­mately 40 countries.

Using the exper­tise acquired during the evolu­tion of its high-level research prod­ucts, Compumedics and Neuroscan have also devel­oped clin­i­cal systems for EEG and EMG appli­ca­tions. Simple to use, yet employ­ing Neuroscan’s sophis­ti­cated record­ing and signal process­ing tech­niques, the Neuroscan line of clin­i­cal prod­ucts offer a high degree of value and performance.

In support of its customers, prod­ucts and appli­ca­tions, Neuroscan also oper­ates Neuromed­ical Supplies, a lead­ing manu­fac­turer and distrib­u­tor of a wide range of acces­sory and dispos­able items used in both research and clin­i­cal neurol­ogy settings. Addi­tion­ally, as a result of the merger with Compumedics Limited, a global supplier of clin­i­cal systems for polysomnog­ra­phy, neurol­ogy and cardi­ol­ogy, Neuromed­ical Supplies is now proud to also offer a complete range of high qual­ity sensors and supplies for modern sleep laboratories.

The combined prod­uct range from Neuroscan and Compumedics is one of the largest in the indus­try. From compact 24-hour ambu­la­tory EEG recorders for the hospi­tal clin­i­cian to highly complex multi­modal neuroimag­ing for large univer­sity research centers, this is the source.

Neuroscan and Compumedics — Part­ners in Neuro­science — Part­ners in Neurodiagnostics

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