Tissue expanders

This online database with a wide collection of medical equipment and devices designed for various medical specialties. Experienced medical equipment vendors and manufacturers based all around the world are presented in this online medical devices catalog. This category provides information about tissue expanders.

Tissue expanders are widely used in the field of plastic and restorative surgery in order to grow additional skin, bone, or other tissues. Tissue expanders can be developed for special patient’s needs and provide additional nominal expansion in areas with limited expandable tissues. Manufacturers can offer a large variety of tissue expanders of various sizes and shapes.

Tissue expanders can be used for:

• Skin expansion. Tissue expanders can grow extra skin which matches the color, texture, and thickness of the surrounding tissue. Scars and risk of rejection is minimal.

• Bone expansion. Tissue expanders use mechanical contraptions to grow the bone in response to bone distractor.

• Muscle expansion. Stretch-included myofibrillogenesis is a process, where muscle tissues can be expanded and grown.

• Tissue inflammation. Inflammation itself is a part of biological response of body tissues to harmful provocations such as pathogens, damaged cells or irritants. In the cases of asthma or chronic bronchitis the human body responds to allergens by flooding the bronchial airway walls. Tissue expanders can grow relationships within tissue linings.

• Breast tissue expansion. Tissue expanders are used to change breast skin and muscles. There are three types of tissue fillers: saline, silicone, and composite filler.

• Alternatives to skin expansion. Mechanical and biological properties of a skin can be improved and developed inexpensive engineered skin grafts.

For your convenience, the tissue expanders and devices from other categories have informative product specifications with photos. With our help, you can reach our vendors and to get a quote for all needed medical equipment. Please, contact us if you would like to find out the prices of breast implants and sizers or to reach the manufacturers. We will provide you the details about the product prices and the suppliers.

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