DTP IPL - IPL platforms, VPL platforms


DESCRIPTION OF DTP IPL - IPL platforms, VPL platforms


Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) Equipment:

DermoTherap IPL is used for eliminating hair and other treatments. Unwanted hair is removed by the coagulation of its follicle. The intense light is projected from the device to the follicle.

GEM-PL Technology (Geometric Energy Management):

The patented technology of the DermoTherap IPL is the only way of sending energy to a specific location. Other pulsed light and laser equipment disperses the light concentration in a geometric level below the skin’s surface.

The right positioning allows the focalization on the hair’s follicle, pigmentation, vascular lesions, acne, etc. This enables the sessions to be effective but, at the same time, painless and gentle to the skin.

Go to the DermoEquipos

SPECIFICATION OF DTP IPL - IPL platforms, VPL platforms

Applications: hair removal, vascular lesion treatment
Ergonomics: table-top
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