DESCRIPTION OF V-1000 - Infant radiant warmers
We believe that a warmer design should take into account both the science and art of the thermal regulation. To provide the most efficient use of heat we select the appropriate wattage, use the best material for heating element and design the reflectors for maximum effectiveness. The art involves designing the unit for optimum functionality. It is an equation we have worked hard to perfect..
Unit comes with,
Radiant warmer with micro computerised control system.
Apgar timer.
Electrical flow suction apparatus.
CFL photo therapy attachment.
Manually operated resusciatator.
Observation lamp.
Trendelenburee and fowler system.
Storage drawer.
Provision to keep O2 cylinder.
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Our goal is to make our clients informed about the devices presented in this website (to provide with photos, technical specifications of the products and their prices), as well as assist them in contacting the suppliers in order to buy all needed equipment. We can guarantee our clients excellent quality medical devices from reputable suppliers and manufacturers. in an opportunity to purchase leading medical equipment at good cost.