DESCRIPTION OF clickholter ECG - Cardiac Holter monitors
3 channel ECG holter recorder capable of storing data without the use of removable media. The data are transferred quickly and securely to personal computer for subsequent analysis thanks to the USB interface.The main characteristics are as follows: simultaneous 3 lead ECG recording for the 24/48 hours;pacemaker impulse recording on dedicated channel; CF connections; It can be connected to patient and PC simultaneously for video monitoring of the ECG signal; double system for starting recordings; compact, lightweight; AA 1.5 V alkaline batteries power supply; suitable for recording infants under 10 kg; high resolution signal.Complete with holterpilot software for an easy recorder programming and exam downloading to PC.Compatible with the CARDIOLINE holter analysis software “cubeholter”.
SPECIFICATION OF clickholter ECG - Cardiac Holter monitors
Number of channels: | 3-channel |
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