DESCRIPTION OF 400508 + 91706 - Examination chairs
400508 + 91706
This modern examination chair has fixed flooring screws with a base and column cover constructed from cast aluminium. It operates on a 110 V to 230 V power supply at 50-60 Hz. It has a user friendly foot control and has the ability to store 12 memory positions and 4 user levels making it a time saving product. The height can be adjusted to suit handicapped or elderly patients. The ergonomically designed examination chair is available in a range of colors with an option for an additional hand switch. Extra components included with the chair include hand grips, a mounting device for rails at the sides, a white plastic basin which can be extended, inclined and detached, and a holder for paper rolls.
Go to the medifa-hesse GmbH & Co. KG
SPECIFICATION OF 400508 + 91706 - Examination chairs
Applications: | urological |
Operation: | electric |
Features: | height-adjustable |
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