DESCRIPTION OF 384460 IDEA 4 - Examination chairs
384460 IDEA 4
Multifunctional chair height-adjustable by means of an electric 3-stage heavy-duty telescopic column of 4000N (408Kg) capacity providing stability and a high level of safety in every condition of use. Three ind ependently adjustable sections operated by 4 low tension electric actuators. Variable density paddings for optimal comfort, upholstered with resilient waterproof imitation leather, easy to sanitise and resistant to disinfectants, with antimicrobial treatment based on silver ions. The upholstery covers all the lying surface, hiding all the structure joints, making the surface easy to clean and preventing the patient from coming into contact with mechanical parts. The backrest is equipped with an easy to remove adjustable headrest. Blu Elettrico 5946 is the standard colour upholstery, mor e colours are available as per colour chart. The footrest, which is slightly sloping to enhance its anti-cramp function, is in plastic material and has a padded resting surface upholstered in imitation leather. The armrests feature an integrated pushbutton handset holder and have synchronised ergonomic adjustments granting the correct position of the elbow according to the different angles of the backrest.
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SPECIFICATION OF 384460 IDEA 4 - Examination chairs
Operation: | electric |
Other characteristics: | on casters, height-adjustable, Trendelenburg, with footrest, tilting, curved, with scale |
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