Pharmacy refrigerators

In this category, everyone can find information about such laboratory equipment as pharmacy refrigerators from the best companies at our online catalog and ask directly required manufacturer for a price and quotation. Suppliers and vendors from every part of the world can order these pharmacy refrigerators for their customers and clinics.

The companies who provide this particular laboratory equipment for sale in their region can contact with manufacturers of pharmacy refrigerators and establish contact with them to present needed company in their country. Manufacturers from our database provide innovative and efficient laboratory equipment.

A pharmacy refrigerator is a device used to store medicine and other pharmaceutical products at a low temperature. Mainly pharmacy refrigerators are used in hospital, community and compounding pharmacies for drugs storage.

Pharmacy refrigerators have different sizes: small, large and can have or have no a freezer. Such refrigerators have glass doors.

Mainly pharmacy refrigerators are available in 3 door configurations:

1) hinged glass
2) hinged door
3) sliding glass

Pharmacy refrigerators work with stable temperatures from +2 °C to +8 °C  and provide reliable storage of medicine at the correct temperature. the ideal temperature for samples storage is +4 °C. Modern models of pharmacy refrigerators have such a function which provides a rapid temperature recovery for a stable preservation environment with frequent door openings.

There are pharmacy refrigerators with many available options such as additional shelves, solid doors, doors locks, drawers, full stainless steel construction, digital control for customized temperatures, digital alarm systems, temperature recorders.

Pharmacy refrigerators have digital touch-screen displays and temperature data can be stored on a mini SD cards or downloaded to excel files.

Pharmacy refrigerators with a freezer provide precise control and superior temperature uniformity.

Pharmacy refrigerators are designed for safe and secure storage of temperature sensitive pharmaceuticals and provide outstanding energy efficiency, high quality and are eco-friendly.

In our online catalog, anyone can choose needed pharmacy refrigerator from best distributors in the laboratory equipment market.

In addition to a variety of excellent quality devices, we are happy to provide you with all needed information about each product. Please, contact us if you would like to reach the manufacturers or to find out the prices of these products. We provide online customer service by email, Skype, or phone. To find our contact information please go to the “Contacts” page.

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