MBR-107D(H)-PE Blood Bank Refrigerator - Blood bank refrigerators

MBR-107D(H)-PE Blood Bank Refrigerator

DESCRIPTION OF MBR-107D(H)-PE Blood Bank Refrigerator - Blood bank refrigerators

The Panasonic MBR-107D blood bank refrigerator is designed to conform to AABB criteria stable and reliable temperature control utilizing Panasonic original technology A special highly efficient compressor designed and developed by Panasonic provides rapid cooling and quiet performance for each model. Ideally suited for whole blood storage with stable and reliable temperature control for various inventory loads.


Panasonic blood bank refrigerators are designed to conform to AABB criteria with a highly efficient compressor that provides superior temperature recovery, rapid cooling and quiet performance for each model. Designed with all the features for blood product preservation such as superior uniformity, microprocessor control, and large flexible storage capacity. Whatever your preservation needs are, Panasonic provides the right equipment to meet your exact needs.


Panasonic Biomedical also offers four other sizes of the same type Blood Bank Refrigerator:








SPECIFICATION OF MBR-107D(H)-PE Blood Bank Refrigerator - Blood bank refrigerators

Applications: blood bank
Configuration: cabinet
Number of doors: 1-door
Capacity: 79 l (20.87 gal)
Temperature range: 4 °C (39.2 °F)
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