ELISA kits
In this category, everyone can find information about such laboratory equipment as ELISA kits from best companies at our online catalog and ask directly required manufacturer for a price and quotation. Suppliers and vendors from every part of the world can order these ELISA kits for their customers and clinics.
Companies, who sell this particular laboratory equipment in their region, can contact with manufacturers of laboratory ELISA kits and establish contact with them to present needed company in their country.
ELISA kits offer analytic biochemistry enzyme-linked assay, which detects the presence of antibodies or antigens in a liquid or wet samples. The less antigen is in the sample, the more labeled antigen is retained in the well and the stronger signal is. The enzyme is connected to one of the antibodies, and the substrate is added to the reaction. The enzymatic reaction provides a product, which can be characterized by its color with the help of a spectrophotometer.
The basis of the test includes microtiter plate, which is suitable for 96 tests and is covered with antigens or antibodies specific to the wanted detecting parameter. A specific binding of the enzyme occurs in an immobilization of the detecting parameter, during the sample incubation phase. The binding enzyme is responsible for the hydrolyzation of colorless chromogen to a blue colored product. When the reaction with sulfuric acid is stopped, the blue color switches to yellow. The amount of color is measured and it should be proportional to the amount of detected parameter in the sample.
ELISA kits provide samples, which can aid to determine serum antibody concentrations such as with the HIV test or West Nile virus. There are different types of ELISA kits: for human and for veterinary. ELISA kits are useful in detecting hepatitis, HIV, EIA infectious diseases, and instruments in these kits work as an autoimmune disease panel as well as useful sources in identifying cancers.
You can choose needed ELISA kits in our catalog from the best companies in the laboratory medicine market. Manufacturers from our online database provide innovative, efficient laboratory medicine equipment and devices.
In addition to a variety of excellent quality devices, we are happy to provide you with all needed information about each product. Please, contact us if you would like to reach the manufacturers or to find out the prices of these products. We provide online customer support by email, phone, or Skype. To find our contact information please go to the “Contacts” page.