SIBELGroup is a group of enterprises, that without loosing their own identity, they manufacture and commercialize their products in close collaboration and a unique objective, to offer our clients a better and wider range of quality products made in Spain. We also offer the best technical service and personal service.
SIBELGroup’s evolution, have been based in the innovation and diversification. Innovation has been the basis of its growing, starting from a deep knowledge of each productive process and having a great backup in management capacity. SIBELGroup had known how to create in each of its steps great value and service among all of its activities.
Each SIBELGroup’s product is conceived to give something new and beneficial for the people. We want to think as you do and work for you, so that’s why we make an effort to know your needs, so we can offer better products and services; because the best reward is to have your trust.