MEYTEC GmbH Medizinsysteme is an owner managed SME located in Werneuchen, township Seefeld, close to the German capital of Berlin.

MEYTEC develops and provides system, solutions for telemedicine. Through constant investment in research & development, as well as an on-going dialogue with leading medical experts, MEYTEC designs, builds and implements advanced system technologies for the transmission of medical data in hospitals and care units around the world. We are a member and reliable partner in the following organizations, e.g.

German Association for Telemedicine (DGTelemed e.V.)

German Healthcare Partnership (GHP)

Gesundheitswirtschaft Rhein-Main e.V.

MCALL GmbH Marketing & Vertrieb

MEYTEC GmbH Informationssysteme

Zentrum für Telemedizin (ZTM) e.V.

We maintain a long-standing close arrangement with medical facilities at home and abroad to fortify our technical solutions and wide range of specialized medical expertise.

MEYTEC provides 24/7 support to its partners around own products as well as externally purchased products and solutions.

MEYTEC consider country specific quality and certification standards and requirements to ensure conformity in Europe and worldwide for our telemedicine solutions.

MEYTEC GmbH Medizinsysteme stands for cooperation and strategic partnership with leading manufacturers and service providers from the ICT and medical environment. Our aim is to follow up every customer need in a competent, flexible and efficient manner.