Guided Therapeutics, Inc.

Guided Therapeutics, Inc.

Early Detection, Better Outcomes


Guided Therapeutics, Inc. has developed a platform technology for the early detection of disease that leads to cancer. Based on our patented biophotonic technology, the products use light to detect disease at the cellular level and provide painless and immediate results at the time of the examination.


Testing for cancer today usually involves a taking a tissue sample, like a biopsy, and sending it out to a specialist at a laboratory for results. Patients worry while waiting on test results and in many instances are given the wrong diagnosis – in most cases a false-positive result. A false positive diagnosis means the patient will undergo more testing only to discover later that they are healthy.


Our technology non-invasively scans the suspicious tissue with cool white light providing results, that studies have shown, can detect pre-cancer up to two years earlier than the tissue-sample method and with fewer false-positive results. This means less pain, no time waiting for results and fewer unnecessary treatments.

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