Amann Girrbach

Amann Girrbach

Why an inhouse company? Because from very early on in the dental inhouse movement, we have positioned ourselves in the market as one of the strongest drivers of the digital dental process and we have done so “in our own laboratory.”

Our CAD/CAM system is one of the most versatile and technically proficient on the market. The combination of our system with a wide range of materials has truly created a value dream team for dental laboratories of all specialties, shapes and sizes as it allows for the creation of a vast and versatile range of indications.

Innovations, such as our dry millable sintered metal Ceramill Sintron®, significantly contribute to closing the biggest gaps in the digital inhouse process. The seamless digital process is particularly important for us and because of this we have integrated occlusion and model fabrication using our Artex and Giroform lines into the process.

Our highly successful Ceramill Motion milling machine is the result of over 30 years of CNC and CAD/CAM inhouse expertise.

As a manufacturer, we are very proud of both the range and volume of products that we are able to produce inhouse. Our articulators, laboratory equipment and digital milling units are designed, built and tested in Koblach, Austria. Furthermore, we have successfully established ourselves as material manufacturers and can therefore offer a truly optimized, fully-integrated system.

We invest heavily in our worldwide sales and service infrastructures, as well as in research and development, to ensure that we not only maintain the highest levels of innovation and services for you, our customers, but also to continually improve upon it.

When we speak of a fully integrated system we are referring to more than just the Ceramill or Artex system. In our opinion, our “system” is much broader than that.

Our “system” is comprised of the people who stand behind it; our employees and our partnerships with our customers. From the expert advice of our high-quality courses offered both inhouse and online, to our digital service channels, to the personal follow-up from our Technical Service Department and Global HelpDesk, you can be confident that you can always count on us to fully support you as your long-term partner.

We would especially like to thank you for your confidence and support.

Your Marco Ratz

CEO Amann Girrbach AG

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