Articulograph AG501 - Phonetograms

Articulograph AG501

DESCRIPTION OF Articulograph AG501 - Phonetograms

The Articulograph AG501 provides:

Three coordinates (x; y; z) and two directional angles (phi;theta)

250 Hz / 1250 Hz sampling rate – ideal for fast passive and active speech movements and signal processing techniques that rely on oversampling

1MHz high speed data acquisition ideal for slow motion recordings

Dynamic positional accuracy 0.3 mm RMS –

for line movements of 100 mm in length valid for 100 % of all data

Integrated synchronous sound recording

Speech movements are easy to correct for head motions

High temporal and spatial resolution, therefore very suitable for recording small and fast speech movements

Real-time display of all sensors during the recording

The possibility to upgrade to 24 channels

Assured noise immunity of the device / no electromagnetic radiation by the device

All-in-one-system with a stand, calibration system, computer, various software, and the necessary acoustic equipment for synchronous sound recording

SPECIFICATION OF Articulograph AG501 - Phonetograms

Options: electromagnetic
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In, we can provide you with the information about the Articulograph AG501 and other products in our catalogue. If you have questions concerning where to buy the Articulograph AG501 or how much does Articulograph AG501 cost, please, contact us through our online customer support. We will be happy to connect you with the suppliers and manufacturers that offer leading medical equipment at competitive price.
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