Cryosuccess in plastic box - Dermatology, aesthetic medicine equipment

Cryosuccess in plastic box

DESCRIPTION OF Cryosuccess in plastic box - Dermatology, aesthetic medicine equipment

Cryosuccess in plastic box standard version

Product code: C-SUC-01

How is cryosurgery affecting tissue?

The formation of extra- and intracellular ice crystals in treated tissue is of great importance because this creates cell destruction with secondary consequences. In rapid freezing almost simultaneously extra- and intracellular ice crystals are created, (so called a homogenous nucleation), whilst slow freezing first creates only extra-cellular and only after a delay intracellular ice crystals, (so called a heterogenous nucleation).

In this context one speaks about three different phases, the physical, the vascular phase and the immunological. The direct destruction of tissue and cells by ice crystal formation (as well as secondary structure changes in thawing) during one or several successive freezing-thawing cycles is terminated in thawing. Irritations of the micro-circulation in the frozen area for up to 48 hours leads to secondary tissue anoxie and more destruction especially in the fringe. Antigen characteristics in the physical phase of changed and released tissue particles could lead to secondary effects, outside of the treated area. Furthermore, modified factors, different tissue sensitivity, typical secondary effects and contra indications are added. Important factors are speed of the temperature decrease, lowest reached temperature, duration of freezing, volume of the frozen tissue and lapse of time of thawing. The most effective way is quick freezing, followed by slow thawing. Thereby, 99% of the cells per treatment are destroyed in vitro. In cryosurgery, cells are destroyed, but in a selective way and thus the connective tissue structures are preserved. This is of importance in comparison to other methods as the risk of scar deformation is much lower. Side effects can result. In dark or high tanned skin, cryosurgery treated areas could become depigmented (by a loss of cell-pigmentation). Re-pigmentation could take several years and solar radiation could cause stronger pigmented fringes to be evident. A great deal of information regarding the technique and the mechanism in the tissue can be found in the many published studies, abstracts and guidelines for cryosurgery. For detailed information the country specific medical association should be contacted.

The advantages of cryosurgery

- No destruction of biological function or structures;

- Excellent cosmetic effects;

- Almost no scar formation;

- Non bleeding treatment, no anaesthesia required;

- Practically painless, therefore suitable for children and sensitive patients;

- The majority of symptoms disappear after just one treatment.


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