22803 - X-ray film viewers


DESCRIPTION OF 22803 - X-ray film viewers


The Liberator Illuminators are the perfect viewboxes for Hospital use, with patented features no other viewbox can offer!

On the Liberator, the film grip is attached to the plexiglass, not the body of the unit. This pre-sets the factory grip tension and it cannot be disrupted during installation. The Grip/Plexiglass assembly is held in place by magnets. This allows easy access to the inside of the viewbox making bulb replacement and cleaning quick and easy.

The Liberator Series consists of two versions: The Liberator 4 Bulb, and the Liberator HiLo with a 6 Bulb/4 Bulb switch. Both models can be wall mounted, recessed, or mounted on a Mobile Stand.

Go to the Wolf X-Ray Corporation

SPECIFICATION OF 22803 - X-ray film viewers

Type: white light
Number of sections: 3-section
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