XX series - Germicidal lamps

XX series

DESCRIPTION OF XX series - Germicidal lamps

XX-Series UV Bench Lamps

Bench XX-Series UV Lamps offer a complete selection of models - fixture only or with a choice of the following wavelengths: longwave, BLB (black light blue), shortwave or midrange. Wavelength 352nm BLB tubes are available for the XX-15 fixture.


Shortwave UV: Sterilization and sanitation

Longwave/Midrange: Fluoresence and inspection

UV Applications Notes

UV Application List

Main Features

Various fixture sizes, watts and wavelengths are available

Lamps include holes on each end of the fixture for hanging or mounting the lamp

Lamps are manufactured with a durable aluminum housing and powder paint scratch resistant finish

Shortwave lamps can be used in an upward facing position for purifying air or in a downward position for sanitizing work surfaces

254nm UV can kill up to 99% of organisms from bacteria, yeast, mold spores, germs and viruses

Shortwave UV (254nm) offer reliable and effective tool for sterilization and sanitation applications in hospitals, laboratories, pharmaceutical companies and clinics.

UV intensity can be increased by bringing the lamp closer to object being sterilized

The 352nm BLB tubes can be used in inspection and testing applications.

SPECIFICATION OF XX series - Germicidal lamps

Applications: germicidal
Configuration: table
Light source: UV
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